Municipal Renovations Committee
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Torrington City Hall, 6:30 PM Personnel Conference Room
Approval of Minutes of MRC Meeting of August 27, 2009 and September 24, 2009.
Overview of project construction status –O&G
Sheetrock Installation
Boiler Start-up
Traffic Building – Date of CO application.
Assistance needed from the MRC or Friar Associates
Overview of work taking place next two weeks.
Update by Friar Associates.
To include:
Status of street light mock-up
Final revisions to Veterans’ Memorial
Status of project completion tasks under consideration – Ed Cook
Update on status of office furnishings review and bid advertisement – Alan Zordan to include final bid schedule.
Discussion of bid add-alternate regarding paving Traffic Building parking areas, driveway entrance and walk area between central drain and existing buildings.
Vote to release hold on add-alternate to pave Traffic Building lot EXCLUSIVE of driveway to impound lot.
Other Business